Threading treatment in Greenwich, London
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The advantages of threading

Threading is an ancient Egyptian hair removal method, that aims to remove unwanted hair primarily on the face, neck, fingers and toes. Manoeuvring the threading and doing it accurately can prove to be a complex process, so it must be done by a professional.

The importance of having clean and neat eyebrows, help to frame your eyes, and open up your face. To make them perfect, there are classic methods such as wax and tweezers .

The main benefit of threading versus waxing or tweezing, is that the results can last from three to four weeks, depending on the growth of the hair. Another of the main advantages of this method, are from a sanitary point of view. Aggressive skin products are not used, and at the end of each use, the 100% cotton thread goes to waste, never being reused.

In addition, it is more delicate for the skin, does not allow lesions to occur in the depilated areas, there is no risk of burning, does not leave marks and it is ideal for sensitive skin.

Threading is able to remove the hair by extracting it at the root, even in sensitive skin and in places that are complicated to do because they have a lot of sensitivity.

The “almost peeling effect, has a mild effect on the skin, which looks like a peach”. Epilation with a thread “gently removes the layers of skin that are on the surface”, making it ideal for “unraveling hair, thanks to the exfoliation effect of the thread. It helps to unravel the hair that is on the surface of the skin.”

It is the perfect technique to be able to outline the eyebrow, because with the thread, we can remove even the smallest, weakest hair, and therefore gives perfect eyebrow results.

To make a booking, call Pure Synergie on 020 8858 9119, email us at


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