Cryolipolysis in Greenwich, London
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Do you have stubborn fat that needs attending to? Then this is advanced body treatment is the one for you.

What is Cryolipolysis and how does it work?

Cryolipolysis also known as fat freezing is an incredible innovative non-invasive treatment offering fat reduction without having to undergo liposuction. It is a great treatment used to deal with areas which have stubborn fat.

The Cryotherapy machine freezes an average of 20-40% of the fat cells in the treated area. The entire fat cell in turn crystalises, dies and is then absorbed naturally through the body’s lymphatic system and dispelled via the liver/kidneys.

Once the machine has been attached to the desired area via suction, it does not harm any other area that has not been chosen to undergo the treatment.

Our Cryotherapy machine is able to treat two areas at the same time, thus giving an amazing long-term result, faster.

How long does it take to see results from Cryolipolysis?

After your first session, results can be seen 4-12 weeks later, depending on how quickly your body processes the dead fat cells.

However, unlike other clinics that offer Cryotherapy, we incorporate an innovative new treatment called Shockwave, up to 4 times after your Cryotherapy treatment, once a week.

Shockwave therapy helps to stimulate the breakdown of the fat cells, encourages better lymphatic drainage and thereby is able to eliminate the fat cells quicker.

Which areas can be treated with Cryolipolysis?

Areas which show amazing results from Cryolipolysis or Fat Freezing are:

  • Upper Stomach
  • Lower Stomach (Muffin tops)
  • Upper Arms
  • Flanks (Love Handles)
  • Outer Thighs
  • Inner Thighs
  • Upper Back (Bra fat)
  • Lower Back
  • Chest Male (Moobs)


Cryotherapy or Fat Freezing is usually a one-off treatment, however, this differs from person to person.

Multiple treatments can be had to reach the desired result. Usually, treatments can be taken every 3 months on the same area.

However as we have included Shockwave therapy in your treatment free of charge, you are able to have your treatments only 6 weeks apart.

Before we start your treatment, we will go through a thorough consultation with you and you will be measured and weighed as well.

Once the treatment starts, an anti-freeze pad will be applied to the chosen area to protect the skin from the freezing elements.

The Cryotherapy handpiece will be placed on top of the pad, and the suction cup will pull the fat into it. Cryotherapy or fat freezing does not hurt and does not require any anaesthetic.

However, the area treated will be frozen to about -11 degrees so that it will become sensitive and numb from the cold, and you will feel the suction pulling on the skin. The treatment itself will last about 30-45 min depending on the size of the area treated.

Anyone who struggles to get rid of an area of stubborn fat can have this treatment. However, if you are excessively overweight or obese, we would not recommend this treatment.

Additionally, if you suffer from any of the below, we are unable to treat you:

  • Cryoglobulinemia
  • Hemoglobinuria
  • Cold Urticaria or Paroxysmal
  • Raynauds and any Autoimmune diseases
  • Hernias in or close to the treated are
  • Pregnant/Breastfeeding
  • Pace maker or any other electrical devices fitted
  • Eczema or recent operation on/close to the treated area

Price List

Treatment Price
Cryolipolysis Treatment 1 Application £199
Cryolipolysis Treatment 2 Applications £249

To make a booking, call Pure Synergie on 020 8858 9119, email us at

Advanced treatments available at Pure Synergie