Colonic hydrotherapy in Greenwich
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Colonic Hydrotherapy

Great health starts from the inside.

Making up 70% of your immune system, the colon can carry as much as 8lb worth of parasites and excess matter. This causes a sluggish and an underworking colon that can cause a number of ailments including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, lack of energy, constipation and bloating.

Benefits include less bloating, clearer skin, mental clarity, stronger immune system, premium hydration, increased energy levels and nutrient absorption and a great kick start for a healthier lifestyle. We recommend our clients not to eat anything heavy or drink excessively 24 hours prior to their treatment and to cut out caffeine, meat, dairy and gluten 5 days
before treatment.

Good preparation gives better treatment results. The colon is a very important part of our body’s elimination system as it removes waste from our alimentary tract, lymphatic system and bloodstream. It is therefore extremely important to have a happy and healthy colon function which will help to balance your entire body.

Waste matter that stays in your colon for too long can lead to many serious illnesses such as cancer.

Colonic irrigation stimulates the bowel by using your body’s natural response mechanism, thus making it a natural treatment rather than using laxatives which are an irritant. By using your body’s natural muscular activity, colonic irrigation helps to tone and exercise your bowel, thereby helping it to eliminate waste during and after your treatment.

It helps to remove faecal matter, gas and mucus by gently rinsing the colon with warm water.


Most people have a preconceived idea of what a colonic irrigation is. However, after having had your first treatment, most people will feel lighter, brighter and much healthier. Colon hydrotherapy, otherwise known as colonic irrigation, is not a new treatment to the market, it has existed for thousands of years, although the technology has naturally evolved.

Colonic irrigation is a treatment that stimulates the bowel by using your body’s natural response mechanism, thus making it a natural treatment rather than using laxatives which is an irritant. By using your body’s natural muscular activity, colonic irrigation helps to tone and exercise your bowel, thereby helping it to eliminate waste during and after your treatment. It helps to remove fecal matter, gas and mucus by gently rinsing the colon with warm water.

Colonic irrigation is both a body and emotional release treatment. There are very few treatments that can treat the internal parts of the large intestine so effectively. Colonic irrigation is about promoting the well being of clients, encouraging clients to improve their lifestyles by more exercise, nutritional improvements, advice on supplements, plus emotional support.

When the colon is out of balance, it is necessary to clean out the toxins that have accumulated as all health problems which affect our body originates in the bowel.

The colon also known as the large and small intestine, is the final section of your digestive system. It is divided into 6 sections: the appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum. The colon, which is a muscle, removes water, salt, and bile and some nutrients via the bloodstream and into the liver. Muscles line the colon’s walls, squeezing its contents along.

The colon consists of billions of bacteria living in a healthy balance with the body. These healthy bacteria help us fight infection, produce some vitamins and regulate our cholesterol levels. The length of your colon varies from person to person. Some may be just 3 feet long whereas others are up to 11 feet long.

The rate at which one person may go to the toilet, depends entirely on how often we eat and how much. A bowel movement every 24 hours is considered healthy whereas individuals who do not go this frequent, may experience a feeling of bloating and constipation. Undigested food stays in the colon for about 8 to several days.

The colon is a very important part of our body’s elimination system as it removes waste from our alimentary tract, lymphatic system and bloodstream. It is therefore extremely important to have a happy and healthy colon function which will help to balance your entire body.

Waste matter that stays in your colon for too long can lead to many serious illnesses such as cancer.

Before your colonic irrigation treatment, you do not need to make any changes to your diet, however our practitioners recommend to cut out dairy, wheat and alcohol 24 hours prior to your treatment. We also recommend you to not eat a heavy meal, at least 2 hours before your treatment.

During your first treatment, your practitioner will go through a full medical case history with you, to determine whether or not, this treatment is appropriate for you and if you have any contraindications for this treatment. An explanation about the treatment process will then follow.
Our practitioners are professional therapists, who are trained to put you at ease, and to ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Once the treatment starts, you are asked to change into your underwear and be given a paper gown to cover your modesty. Your therapist will be present with you, throughout the entire treatment. A speculum is gently placed into your rectum. This procedure is not painful as the speculum is very small. Two plastic tubes are attached to the speculum. One will introduce the water to your colon, whilst the other tube will capture the waste matter going out which is led away into the drainage system thus eliminating any type of odour. The water acts as a stimulant, telling the bowel it is full, and thus creating a response in which the bowel will eliminate waste. Water also helps to soften the faecal matter and cleanse the colon walls. Water temperature and pressure are observed throughout the treatment so that a combination of fills and releases will encourage the colon with its peristaltic movements.

For some clients, a gentle abdominal massage will be given to help soften the bowel. The entire treatment lasts about 45 minutes and a probiotic and green juice will be given to help with the regeneration of good bacteria and to soothe your colon. Your therapist will also recommend you supplements and extra treatments.

A course of minimum three treatments is highly recommended for optimum results.

We recommend our clients not to eat anything heavy or drink excessively 24 hours prior to their treatment. A good preparation gives better treatment results.

Colonic irrigation can help improve your body’s overall health and wellness and can even help reduce your risk of colon cancer and other serious illnesses. It can also help:

  •  Hydration of the colon
  •  Removal of wastes from the colon
  •  Stress relief by encouraging relaxation of both mind and bowel
  •  Relief from Diarrhoea, spastic colon,headaches,migraines and depression
  • Improve peristaltic movement within the bowel
  •  Increased nutrient absorption
  •  Helping liver, blood, and kidney cleansing
  •  Support with IBS, bloating, constipation, flatulence
  •  Skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, dermatitis
  •  Increasing the energy levels, stamina, and reducing the need for more sleep
  •  Encouraging weightloss and long term weight management
  •  Helping with the release of emotional wastes stored in the colon
  •  As a kick start of healthy living

Does it hurt?

A colonic irrigation is not a painful treatment at all if given by a well trained therapist. A slight uncomfortable sensation of the stomach may occur when you have a bowel movement. The sensation is as if you feel you must go to the toilet.

How many treatments should I have?

This entirely depends on the person and their situation. Your therapist will go through your treatment with you, and recommend any additional treatments if necessary. Our professional therapists will never pressurise you to have more treatments than needed although usually a course of minimum 3 will give optimum results.

Are colonics treatments safe?

Yes they are. This is due to the fact that our system is a closed system and NOT a self administered treatment, but conducted in a hygienic and safe environment, by a highly trained therapist, who is by your side throughout the entire treatment. There is no damage to internal organs. The water used during your treatment is filtered, and administered under low pressure therefore eliminating the danger of bowel perforation. Additionally all our equipment is either disposable or sterilised before and after use. Our therapists have all undergone extensive training, and keep up to date with relevant legislature and undergo professional development on a continuous basis. They are there to help you improve your quality of life.

Can everyone have this treatment?

Most people can have colonics, but a thorough consultation will establish if there are any contra indications or reasons that that somebody should not have a treatment.
I have regular enemas, so I don’t feel i need a colonic irrigation?

Enemas are done at home and are self administered. They only empty the lower part the large intestine and water is held for a long time inside the colon which can be very uncomfortable. This process has to be repeated several times.

Colonic irrigation however, is administered by a trained professional and can hydrate and empty the whole of the large intestine. The treatment is 45 minutes and a series of small holds never goes beyond the uncomfortable threshold.

Is your equipment reused?

All our equipment is disposable and a new kit is used for every client. The whole treatment is highly sanitary and the room and toilet are cleaned and disinfected after every treatment.

Does it flush away my good bacteria?

Yes, both good and bad bacteria is flushed out during your colonic irrigation treatment. Water is not selective towards the good or bad flora. This is why a probiotic is given at the end of the treatment to introduce the good bacteria back into the colon. After this, only good bacteria will inhabit your colon.

I have heard bad stories about Colonic Irrigation

We understand the apprehension of most clients about the horror stories portrayed in the media about Colonic irrigation. Unfortunately, these stories arise from clients who visit cheap clinics where there are less experienced therapists who are offering treatments when they shouldn’t be. All our staff are thoroughly trained with many years of experience, and members of the top colonic associations in the UK. Also, clients who have bad experiences usually have treatments in the open system, which is largely a self administered Colonic treatment. It is a big machine with a strong water flow where clients do the entire treatment themselves, most often without any trained or skilled therapists in the room. This can be extremely dangerous as clients will have no idea what to do, what they are feeling or how to react in any given situation. We do not recommend the open systems at Pure Synergie. This is why we offer the Closed system, which is a real treatment, with a real skilled therapist administering the colonic. Our therapists never leave the room and is there only to make your treatment as relaxing and rewarding as possible.

How often can I have a treatment?

You can have a treatment every 48 hours if necessary. Clients who suffer from constipation or sluggish colon, need to have a treatment as close to each other as possible. As the faecal matter is soaked in the water, release can be much better, the closer the treatments are together. A course of 3 treatments is beneficial for every single person.

What’s my after care advice?

Clients should refrain from eating spicy and rich foods,alcohol and general excess food for 24 hours after the treatment. Light food with plenty of vegetables would be beneficial as well as introducing whole grains such as brown rice, barley and oats. Aim for more soluble fibers rather than insoluble fibers as this will be less harsh on the colon wall. Avoid artificial sweeteners and fizzy drinks.
A slight headache or fatigue may incur so try and have a relaxing day. Drink lots of water. Chew slowly. Normal bowel movements may take 1-4 days to resume due to the colon being emptied.

How can I expect to feel after the treatment?

Clients who have had a colonic irrigation have left feeling much better than expected, motivated to eat healthier,feeling cleansed,amazed at how much came out of their colon,wish they had done it years ago,and serious internal relief.

Price List

Therapist Senior Therapist
N/A 55 mins £85
N/A Course of 3 treatments £240

To make a booking, call Pure Synergie on 020 8858 9119, email us at

Colonics & Detox programmes available at Pure Synergie